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"Shanghai Urban Renewal Water and Marine Implementation Plan (2024-2025)" was issued and arranged seven key tasks

Release time:2024-08-15click:0
On August 7, the Shanghai Municipal Water Affairs Bureau issued the "Shanghai Urban Renewal Water and Marine Implementation Plan (2024-2025)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), which requires promoting high-quality development and creating high-quality water resources. Guided by the goals of quality life and high-efficiency governance, with the development of new productive forces as an important driver, we will coordinate the implementation of the construction of urban renewal water facilities, implement various tasks in the water and marine industries, and help accelerate the construction of a modern socialist international metropolis with world influence. .
 The "Plan" clarifies the following key tasks:
 (1) Promote the high-quality development of water conservancy construction< /strong>
1. Implement a project to improve the flood control capacity of embankments in the middle and upper reaches of the Huangpu River. On the basis of the construction of 50.7 kilometers of the first phase project, we will continue to promote the construction of 65.41 kilometers of the second phase project to improve the Huangpu River flood control system and improve urban flood control standards. (Leading departments: Water Conservancy Department, Defense Department, Embankment Construction and Operation Center, Coordinating departments: Water Conservancy Affairs Center, Construction Management Department)
 2. Accelerate the Wusong River Project (Shanghai Section) and other river basin backbones Water conservancy project construction. Among them, the 2.64-kilometer bank protection project of the Suzhou River West Gate has been completed. The Xinchuansha River Section project will continue to promote the construction of the remaining 2 kilometers of bank protection on the basis of 11.5 kilometers of bank protection. Promote the construction of the northern section of the Luofei River, carry out preliminary research on the southern section of the Luofei River, and start construction in due course. (Leading departments: Construction Management Department, Defense Department, cooperating departments: Water Conservancy Center, Embankment Construction and Operation Center, Urban Investment Group)
 3. Systematically promote river network regulation and pump gate construction. Promote the comprehensive improvement project of backbone rivers and lakes, and further implement about 100 kilometers of improvement projects on the basis of the 200 kilometers already completed. Promote the opening of breakpoints in backbone rivers and further unblock the main blue network. On the basis of 56 completed, 20 will be opened in 2024 and continued progress will be made in 2025. Promote the construction of peripheral water (pump) gates in the Dianpu River West Gate and other water conservancy areas. On the basis of 39 completed gates, ensure that 25 gates under construction are completed on schedule, and at the same time actively promote the preliminary work of 16 gates. (Leading departments: Water Conservancy Department, Defense Department, cooperating departments: Construction Management Department, Water Conservancy Affairs Center, Embankment Construction and Operation Center, relevant district water conservancy bureau, Lingang New Area Management Committee, Urban Investment Group)
4. Carry out the construction of Shuimei community. Implement the key tasks of building a beautiful Shanghai, effectively solve the water environment issues and water-related needs of residents in built-up areas, improve the surrounding environment of communities, and complete the construction of 20 beautiful water communities by the end of 2025. (Leading department: Water Conservancy Affairs Center, cooperating departments: River Chief Department, relevant district water conservancy bureau, Lingang NewArea Management Committee)
5. Improve the construction of hydrological monitoring station network. On the basis of 6 new hydrological measuring stations and 36 improved functions, 5 further hydrological measuring stations have been added and about 15 improved functions have been added. (Leading department: Municipal Hydrology Station, cooperating departments: relevant district water affairs bureaus, Lingang New Area Management Committee)
6. Improve the efficiency of ocean monitoring and forecasting. Accelerate the inclusion of 9 ocean observation sites into the national global ocean observation network; solidly carry out special basic monitoring in Hengsha, implement marine ecological early warning monitoring in the entire sea area, and compile technical regulations and quota standards for ocean observation operation and maintenance; expand ocean forecast product release channels, and further improve wave wave , salt tide and other marine disaster early warning and forecasting timeliness, and jointly build an estuary marine salt tide early warning and monitoring center. (Leading departments: Defense Department, Marine Survey and Reporting Center)
 (2) Promote the improvement of drinking water quality
 1. Accelerate the advancement of raw water projects. Accelerate the connection of reservoir pipes and the northern section of the southern section of the raw water western ring line project to form a raw water supply pattern with interconnected water sources of the Yangtze River and Huangpu River and two-way water transmission; continue to promote the addition of drainage gates and functional improvement projects of Qingcaosha Reservoir, and Dongfeng Xisha Reservoir II Phase 1 project and Chenhang Reservoir potential tapping project will improve water supply safety and security capabilities. (Leading departments: Construction Management Office, Planning and Finance Office, Water Supply Affairs Center, cooperating departments: Chengtou Water Group)
 2. Accelerate the implementation of the upgrade and renovation of water plant pumping station facilities. Accelerate the in-depth treatment and transformation of six water plants in Yangshupu, Changqiao, Zhabei, Jiajiaoqiao, Yingbin, and Hangtou to achieve full coverage of the city's deep treatment processes in water plants and improve the quality of drinking water. The decommissioning and reconstruction of Wusong, Jiading and Lujiazui water plants will be carried out in an orderly manner. After the decommissioning of the water plants, their functions will be adjusted to Wusong original water pumping station, Jiading reservoir booster pumping station, and Lujiazui reservoir booster pumping station. (Leading departments: Construction Management Office, Water Supply Affairs Center, cooperating departments: relevant district water bureaus, Lingang New Area Management Committee, Chengtou Water Group) Renovation of old water supply pipelines. Improve the safety and resilience of the water supply system, prevent hidden dangers of water supply pipe network accidents, and reduce the leakage rate of public water supply pipe networks. On the basis of the completion of the reconstruction of 1,571 kilometers of old water supply pipelines, a further 420 kilometers of reconstruction work will be completed. (Leading department: Water Supply Affairs Center, cooperating departments: relevant district water bureau, Lingang New Area Management Committee, Chengtou Water Group)
4. Improve the transformation of residential secondary water supply takeover. In conjunction with the "two old and one village" renovation work, we will accelerate the takeover of secondary water supply facilities for existing residences, continue to take over the secondary water supply facilities for new residences, and further improve the level of secondary water supply management services. Newly added secondary water supplyThe facility area is approximately 100 million square meters. (Leading department: Water Supply Affairs Center, cooperating departments: relevant district water bureaus, Lingang New Area Management Committee, Chengtou Water Group)
 (3) Promote rainwater drainage improvement Construction of standard and green sponge resilience facilities
1. Promote the construction of sponge-type plots and municipal facilities. Cooperate with the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Management Committee, combine the renovation of old residential areas, urban village renovation and other projects to implement the concept of sponge city construction and strengthen the functional composite utilization of rainwater regulation and storage facilities. For new and renovated land development projects in areas with forced drainage, it is required to simultaneously construct rainwater storage facilities. When building new water infrastructure such as water supply plants, sewage treatment plants, water supply and drainage pumping stations, sponge city construction requirements should be implemented. Cooperate with the Municipal Transportation Commission to put forward rainwater runoff control requirements when constructing new roads, plazas, rail transit and other municipal infrastructure in conjunction with the construction of sponge cities. (Leading departments: Planning Department, Planning and Finance Department, Construction Management Department, Defense Department, cooperating departments: Drainage Affairs Center, Water Supply Affairs Center, District Water Conservancy Bureau, Lingang New Area Management Committee, Urban Investment Group)
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2. Promote the renovation of rainwater pipes and rainwater inlets. By the end of 2025, on the basis of the completion of the renovation of 206,700 rainwater connecting pipes and rainwater outlets, approximately 156,000 rainwater outlets will be renovated; on the basis of the completion of the installation of 596,800 rainwater outlet sewage interception baskets, approximately 7,500 more rainwater outlets will be installed. seat. (Leading department: Drainage Affairs Center, cooperating departments: District Water Conservancy Bureau, Lingang New Area Management Committee)
 3. Carry out special actions to eliminate waterlogging points. We have implemented the task of transforming water accumulation points, and have completed the transformation of 33 hidden danger points prone to water accumulation, eliminating waterlogging and water accumulation points that seriously affect the living order, and simultaneously reconstructing low-standard rainwater pipes and ditches. Regularly inspect waterlogging and waterlogging points, update the list of waterlogging points in a timely manner, distinguish priorities, degree of impact, and eliminate them by classification. Systematically plan, formulate a "one point, one policy" plan, clarify governance tasks, completion time limits, responsible units and responsible persons, implement specific project construction tasks, and promote systematic governance. (Leading departments: Defense Department, Drainage Affairs Center, cooperating departments: relevant district water affairs bureaus, Lingang New Area Management Committee)
4. Promote the construction of rainwater system standards. In accordance with the policy of "combination of emergency, emergency and emergency, and combination of near and far", we will coordinate and promote the "466 + The construction of "reservoir" will ensure that 25% of the city's area will have a drainage capacity of 3-5 years by the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan". (leading headDoor: Defense Department, Drainage Affairs Center, cooperating departments: Planning Department, relevant district water bureau, Lingang New Area Management Committee, Chengtou Water Group)
 (4) Promote the improvement of quality and efficiency of sewage treatment
1. Continue to carry out drainage pipeline inspection, repair and renovation. On the basis of completing the inspection of 13,000 kilometers of drainage pipes and the repair or reconstruction of 1,500 kilometers, we will continue to promote the drainage pipeline work and conduct periodic structural inspections and assessments. In 2024 and 2025, 2,200 kilometers of structural inspections and 100 kilometers of repairs will be completed each year. (Leading department: Drainage Affairs Center, cooperating departments: relevant district water bureaus, Lingang New Area Management Committee)
2. Tap into the performance of the current pumping station and carry out updating and maintenance of the pumping station. Carry out operation and maintenance of drainage pumping station equipment and facilities, and continue to carry out pumping station overhauls and centralized equipment updates. On the basis of the overhaul of 8 sewage pumping stations, the overall overhaul of 17 sewage pumping stations before 2000 is mainly carried out. It is planned to implement 11 and 6 sewage pumping stations in 2024 and 2025 respectively; at the same time, some parts that do not meet the current technology and Centralized updates are performed on devices running the requirements. (Leading department: Drainage Affairs Center, cooperating departments: Planning and Finance Department, relevant district water bureaus, Chengtou Water Group)
3. Comprehensively promote the survey and renovation of mixed rainwater and sewage connections. In September 2024, a general survey of mixed rainwater and sewage in areas with key problems such as drainage pollution from pumping stations will be completed, and rectification work will be carried out simultaneously; before the end of 2024, external verification of all drainage users will be completed, and a long-term operation and maintenance management innovation mechanism will be studied and established; before the end of 2025, Complete the rectification of key problem areas and fully implement the long-term operation and maintenance management mechanism. In conjunction with the renovation of "two old buildings and one village", we will formulate a rectification plan and expeditiously implement it to address problems such as internal merging of residential areas or serious pipeline damage. (Leading departments: River Chief Department, Drainage Affairs Center, cooperating departments: relevant district water bureaus, Lingang New Area Management Committee)
4. Promote the capacity improvement of sewage treatment plants. Promote the construction of eight sewage treatment plants including the expansion project of Taihe Sewage Treatment Plant, the third phase project of Bailonggang Sewage Treatment Plant, and Qingpu Xicen Sewage Treatment Plant, and continue to promote the capacity improvement of the city's sewage treatment plants. (Leading departments: Construction Management Office, Drainage Affairs Center, cooperating departments: relevant district water bureaus, Lingang New Area Management Committee, Chengtou Water Group)
 (5) Implement the overall revitalization action in key areas to ensure water security
Pay attention to the guidance and implementation of water planning, strengthen the whole process control of planning conditions, design quality and project construction management,Improve the planning, construction, and management capabilities of the entire urban renewal process, support the overall revitalization of key areas, and improve regional water facilities such as the North Bund, Dawusong, and Hongqiao Business District. Support the new round of regional development needs, improve relevant construction in accordance with flood control standards, optimize the layout of river and lake water systems, ensure the regulation and storage capacity of river networks, and improve waterlogging removal projects; implement relevant water supply and drainage system layout planning requirements, and implement rainwater regulation and storage facilities according to local conditions. New construction or renovation projects of rainwater pipe networks, pumping stations, etc. will promote the improvement of rainwater system standards in each system. We will implement the national dual plan and solidly advance the construction of marine ecological protection and restoration projects in Lingang and Fengxian. (Leading departments: Planning Department, Defense Department, Construction Management Department, Water Resources Department, River Chief Department, Water Conservancy Department, Sea Area Department, cooperating departments: Water Supply Affairs Center, Drainage Affairs Center, Marine Affairs Center, relevant district water bureaus, Lingang New Area District Management Committee, Chengtou Water Group)
 (6) Promote the empowerment of water affairs and marine digital intelligence
 1 .Promote the construction of water affairs and ocean IoT sensing system. Establish guidelines for the construction of water affairs and ocean IoT sensing systems, explore and study water affairs and ocean IoT sensing platforms, and realize the aggregation, storage, integration, analysis, management and data sharing of IoT sensing terminals in water conservancy, water supply, drainage, ocean and other fields. Deeply explore the value of data and develop algorithm models based on thresholds, rules, and scenarios to realize digital governance of water affairs and oceans and support the construction of digital twins. (Leading departments: Science and Information Technology Department, Defense Technology Center, cooperating departments: Maritime Area Department, Water Conservancy Affairs Center, Water Supply Affairs Center, Drainage Affairs Center, Marine Affairs Center, Marine Forecasting Center)
 2 .Improve water affairs and ocean monitoring and sensing capabilities. Integrated use of satellite remote sensing, lidar, drones, unmanned ships, underwater robots , 5G, NB-IOT, artificial intelligence and other new monitoring equipment facilities and technologies release positive effects, establish collaborative relationships with different IoT sensing terminals, and promote "end", "edge", "network" and "management" collaboration to achieve Multiple goals such as dynamic holographic perception, human-machine-physical integration, and intelligent decision-making in the water and ocean fields have formed a way to promote the improvement of "sky-ground" integrated monitoring and perception capabilities through technological development. (Leading departments: Science and Information Technology Department, Defense Technology Center, cooperating departments: Maritime Area Department, Water Conservancy Affairs Center, Water Supply Affairs Center, Drainage Affairs Center, Marine Affairs Center, Marine Forecasting Center)
 3 .Enhancing water and marine digital application scenarios to be practical and easy to use. Strengthen water affairs and ocean IoT sensing baseIntegrate infrastructure construction, data resources, application systems and reuse results to achieve comprehensive interconnection and full sharing of IoT data, strengthen the application of big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies in water affairs digital twins, implement multi-circuit policies, and improve prediction and early warning and comprehensive research and judgment. capabilities, deepen the comprehensive urban vital signs of urban water-related projects, and enhance the practicality, replicability, and sustainability of water and marine digital application scenarios. (Leading departments: Science and Information Technology Department, Defense Technology Center, cooperating departments: Maritime Area Department, Water Conservancy Affairs Center, Water Supply Affairs Center, Drainage Affairs Center, Marine Affairs Center, Marine Surveying and Reporting Center)
 < strong>(7) Improve the efficiency of water and marine management
Implement the three-year action plan for refined water and marine management, further promote the integration of refined urban management and water and marine business, and comprehensively Improve the modernization level of water affairs and ocean governance systems and governance capabilities. Improve the standard system of water conservancy project standardized management systems, comprehensively strengthen water conservancy project operation management, implement management responsibilities, comprehensively improve the city's water conservancy project operation and maintenance level and management capabilities, and ensure the safety of project operation and continued benefits. (Leading department: Transportation Management Office, cooperating departments: Water Conservancy Affairs Center, Water Supply Affairs Center, Drainage Affairs Center, Embankment Construction and Operation Center, District Water Conservancy Bureau, Lingang New Area Management Committee)
Next, the Shanghai Construction Management Office and Planning Office will take the lead, and cooperate with the Planning and Finance Office, Water Safety and Quality Supervision Station, Water Supply Affairs Center, Drainage Affairs Center, etc. to clarify the timetable, roadmap and specific construction projects for water urban renewal and construction. Strengthen relevant project reserves and preliminary work. Optimize the construction schedule and coordinate the relationship between urban renewal and water project construction to achieve the best overall effect. Strictly control project safety and quality, strengthen project supervision, improve safety and quality supervision information management, and do a good job of tracking and dynamic updates.

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